3. The title written at the top of this infographic is What’s hidden beneath the tip of the pandemic iceberg? Above the title is a banner with the words CP at clinic in the center and McMaster Community Paramedicine Research Team on the left. The subtitle written below the title is that as Ontario and other regions across Canada reopen, we look forward to working with paramedic services to safely restart CP at clinic and CP at home programming. The central image on the infographic is a large iceberg, most of it submerged underneath a horizontal water line. Above the water line, to the left of the iceberg, are the words what we see beside an arrow pointing to the iceberg. Above the water line is the tip of the iceberg with a top white peak including a virus icon and the words covid nineteen lockdowns. Below this is a blue section of the iceberg with the icon of a calendar with an X in the middle and the words cancelled or inaccessible health care. Below the waterline in the ocean water to the left of the iceberg are the words what we don’t see beside two arrows pointing to the submerged section of the iceberg. This submerged section of the iceberg, which is larger than the section of the iceberg above the water, is shown with multiple icons and phrases within it. The words neglected health conditions are written to the left of an image of a heart and stethoscope. To the right of this image are the words undetected or untreated chronic conditions. Below this, still within the submerged iceberg, is written the phrase lack of primary care access. To the left is the image of a person’s head with medical plus signs in the top right corner. To the left is the image of an upset person who is shaking and for whom a clock above their head signifies that they are running out of time. Below this, still within the iceberg, are the phrases social isolation and mental and psychological concerns. To the left of the submerged iceberg is a submarine with the logo CP at clinic on it and a scuba-diving paramedic holding a medical kit who is emerging from the submarine and swimming towards the submerged iceberg. Tethered to the submarine is a yellow band that expands into three large bubbles at the bottom of the infographic. The first, on the left, includes an image of two people talking to one another and includes the words programming based on your community’s needs, resources, and public health restrictions. The middle bubble includes an image of a checklist and the words program adaptations such as home visits and or virtual visits are available. The final bubble on the right includes an image of an ambulance and the words CP at clinic can reveal and address what’s hidden beneath the pandemic iceberg. On the bottom is a banner with where to seek further information. On the right is our email address which is admin at CP at clinic dot CA. In the middle is our website which is CP at clinic dot CA. On the left is our Twitter handle which is at CP at clinic.
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